Argh Windows, Yay Apple

Time setting up router + xen host, mail, web, file, dhcp/dns, and media servers - 4 hours, of which the majority was just waiting for packages to download. Problems: 0.

Time spent pointing several windows accounts towards file shares, something which should take no more than a couple of seconds per account - 8 hours of continuous pain. Problems: Enough to bring me to the brink of tears.

Some hilights:

On the bright side, Mother has an ipod, which I've been playing with -- as with most apple products, I've been immensely impressed with how not only does it work flawlessly, but it works so far above my expectations that I've been taking notes for my own software :O

On that note, I'd also like to thank apple for zeroconf; specifically A) making it not suck, and B) making the specs available so that other people's software can use it. (I've been using zeroconf based things on linux for a while, with great joy)

If it didn't take 10x the memory, 20x the disk space, and 50x the processing power, I'd be tempted to use iTunes instead of foobar...

Update: doing the same thing with the linux desktop (making networked home directories automatically available) took all of 30 seconds -- a line in /etc/fstab for each user, "mount -a" to mount all not currently mounted drives, and it worked first time.

2007-01-04 13:33:53 -0600
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