Gaaaaah, windows still sucks at it's own file serving protocol>:|

There is a "media" share, which anybody can read, and the media user can write to. I've connected to this share, but can't write to it. My first thought is that I must be connected anonymously, so I right click -> disconnect... and nothing happens. Right click -> disconnect again, "this drive is not connected". Hmm, explorer bug? Well, if it's not connected, then I shall attempt to connect. So I go to connect to network drive, click "connect with different login details", enter details for the media user, click connect, and ... "this drive is already connected", and then a second error message immediately follows "you cannot connect to the same share with two different accounts" (What sort of stupid limitiation is that? :-|). Well, at least it confirms that I am logging in with two different accounts, and thus used to be anonymous and am now media. Or does it? I reboot to get rid of the phantom connection, and try to make a new connection with the media login. It works, but isn't writable! Giving up on the client side, I check the server logs: "connect to service media initially as user nobody". Gaaaah, goddamn it windows, I explicitly said "connect as the media user"!


2008-08-27 22:11:00 -0500
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